Coping With Sudden Financial Loss Before the Holidays - There Still is Much in Which to Be Thankful!
Financial Upheaval Causing Anxiety, Shattered Dreams and Fear of the Unknown ..."this has been an unimaginable week in the financials." Writers and commentators in the monetary realm are running out of adjectives to describe the current crisis A positive upshot of the current economic meltdown could be a revival; a restoration of basic realities such as thankfulness and gratitude or a Revival such as communities of people in specific prayer for recovery. As a society that has come off a roaring bull market, that boasted in what we've been able to consume we're now roasting in debt . What happened? We now have an economy that has evaporated in a few months. There is a crying need to re-tool. What we need is an outpouring of prayer. In the movie classic, "It's a Wonderful Life", George, played by Jimmy Stewart, goes on a harangue when he realizes he is in a financial dilemma. The daughter asks, "Shall I pray for him? The little brother asks, "Me too?" Financial loss is an emotionally draining and completely stressful event for the family. In my guidebook, written after another economy meltdown that caused three layoffs, I offers a "Family-Nurturing Communication Strategy" to your family. That was the only way our family came from wounded to Winner. Is the bottom line that everyone is looking for be, "Men ought always pray and not faint" ? Jesus Christ speaking in Luke 18:1 Huldah Jones, a Vision Therapist, retired as Technical Director of the Orthoptic Center, Helene Fuld Medical Center in New Jersey. She writes more on surviving Job Loss and Financial Stress at
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